Friday, August 1, 2008


okay, since i haven't heard a peep from anyone i'm thinking maybe no one has noticed that i still haven't posted the play... maybe i'm off the hook on this one...???

i'm sure you're all enjoying those last few days of summer and packing up to go back to school so hopefully you don't mind that i'm running behind schedule again.

here's the deal: i've been working on this play everyday and it's still not finished. i have a draft, but it's far from what i know it's going to be so unless you holler at me, i'm going to keep working on it until i feel good about posting it.

my new deadline (i gave up on the july deadline and submitted stars instead) is October (when i hope to have a reading of the play here in Seattle), but i'll probably have something up here before then. in the meantime, don't be strangers. bug me! it helps me write faster!

lots o love.
