Friday, January 4, 2008

the taste of sunlight when it's really freakin cold outside

Brrrrrrrrrr! I just came back from a road trip to Florida to spend the holidays with family (a ton of them) and after walking around in flip-flops for 10 days, I'm now a very chilly snowman here in Chicago! While I'm having a hard time adjusting to this weather again, one thing I'm incredibly grateful for is that the sun is bright... and it actually feels brighter here than it did in the sunshine state as it bounces off all of this snow.

It's so bright, I can almost taste it. You know what I'm talking about? Bright sun, mixed with piercing cold air -- when you breathe in, it sort of sits on your tongue for a second like an icicle and then it melts down your throat to swim around in your insides for a moment and warm you all the way through...? It's incredibly momentary, like the smell of rain or the sound of stars and you don't get to experience it that often, but when you do, it feels.... real. Like the physical world has perfectly blended with all the other dimensions and for an instant there is synchronicity, light from the inside out.

Have you had this sensation? What are your thoughts on sunlight in winter? In case, you haven't guessed it yet, I'm thinking that the title of this third play is going to involve the Taste of Sunlight... so we might as well start riffing.

Thanks to all who participated in the workshop in December. Lots of good energy and ideas were stirred up and I'm newly powered to weave together this play. You're going to be hearing from me on here often now, so I hope you'll read and respond often too.

Happy 2008!


Marnie said...

"Taste of Sunlight" blows my mind in the best possible way...!

I just have one standard for winter sunlight. It can be any temperature that nature decides it should be - 0 degrees or negative 50 degrees or whatever - and the trade is that I will take whatever she hurls at me, as long as there is sunlight.
Having the sun around makes all sorts of unfavorable weather warmer.
And while that is not actually true, it's a lie we're all better off embracing.

Danny said...

I have always kind of thought that the sun seems out of place in the winter. When I think of winter I think of overcast sky, snow on the ground, and people looking at their feet as they walk down the street covered in scarves and mittens and babushkas. As I look out my window at the city right now I think, this is exactly as Chicago should look in the winter. It's like that Ray Bradbury story where the kids live on a planet that always rains and the one day of the year that the sun comes out, they lock the anti-social kid in the closet. Poor kid. I feel like I'm rambling. The end.

PS. I think that "Taste of Sunlight" is a fantastic title.

daniella said...

Its VERY VERY cold here. Today was 18 below zero. Tomorrow even colder. But I can't tell you how often I here people say "well, at least the sun is bright." I'm still freezing my buns off but the sun really does make it a lot more bearable.

keltie said...

winters in edmonton tend to be grey. when a sunny winter day comes along, its like a present. you feel so so much better-you've finnaly gotten that extra bit of vitamin d and it just lifts you up.