Wednesday, December 12, 2007

things for the (bowler) hat

We're one week away from the playday. Yes, it's happening in Chicago but that doesn't mean if you're not in Chicago you can't participate. The props we're going to play with in the workshop next Wednesday are what is in my notebook and whatever is on this blog (including ideas hidden within simple words and images. So now's the time to fill up the hat with those rolled up scraps of thoughts and shards of images, moments, people, sounds, dreams, experiences. Help me both condense what we already have growing here as well as add new complementary personal ingredients to the mix so that our recipe can be complete (and collaborative) for us to try out in the first workshop.

Ingredients for the virtual play:
(feel free to list or ramble)

Monday, December 3, 2007

What's on yer minds?

After a healthy respite from all deadlines, I'm back with renewed energy for play. Hope you guys still want to play with me!

For those of you in Chicago, Scott and I are going to have a workshop on December 19 at DePaul to play with the bits and pieces we've come up with so far and create more. I'm looking forward to working with some real live people in person and to getting as many of you whom I hardly get to see anymore together in one room. That's going to be exciting. For those of you who can't make it, I hope you'll offer your thoughts here on the blog as we prepare for the playday and then after as we distill it.

As a way of checking back in and seeing what new fodder we might unearth, I was hoping you'd all write a little bit from your own lives and give a glimpse of what's rolling around in your minds these days. It can be related to themes from the play or it can be totally random. Let's just get stuff flowing!

Here's something that's on my mind these days: pharmaceutical ads for mental illnesses. You know the signs on public transportation or in magazines that ask you if you're fatigued, lonely, anxious, depressed,experiencing mood swings, etc? I HATE those ads. Of course, we're all all of those things and it's not because we're crazy... it's because we're human and we're sane...we feel! I can't help but wonder how those ads are affecting the mentality of our society. Once our own sense of sanity starts being chipped away, we don't have much power left. I can't help but think about Brave New World. I hope you've all read that book...