Friday, October 26, 2007

#7 kaiya and beth in the waiting room (molly and marnie)

Well, this one didn't quite go as planned but it's still a great chat. On Sunday, they'll actually get to talk to Reul if all goes well... yay for chatting as new characters!

[2:41:22 PM] kaiyaqrst says: hello
[2:42:04 PM] bethqrst says: Oh, so you did come!
[2:42:14 PM] bethqrst says: I didn't know if we'd run into each other.
[2:42:20 PM] kaiyaqrst says: i told you i would!
[2:43:08 PM] bethqrst says: I know, but you've been pretty busy. I just wasn't sure, that's all
[2:43:28 PM] bethqrst says: they said we could go in in a few minutes; I guess they're doing some check-up sort of stuff.
[2:44:09 PM] kaiyaqrst says: ohh i'm nervous. do we really have to?
[2:44:58 PM] bethqrst says: well, don't you want to see her? they won't leave her deformed or anything.
[2:45:41 PM] kaiyaqrst says: i know. i do. i just don't like seeing her like this. it makes me all shakey
[2:46:00 PM] bethqrst says: Yeah, you'd think we'd get used to it.
[2:46:12 PM] bethqrst says: but how's school?
[2:46:23 PM] kaiyaqrst says: i don't think you can get used to it.
[2:46:34 PM] bethqrst says: I hope not.
[2:46:36 PM] kaiyaqrst says: it's been... terrible.
[2:46:41 PM] kaiyaqrst says: school
[2:46:57 PM] kaiyaqrst says: too much work, not enough time to do any of it
[2:47:07 PM] bethqrst says: but you love school....all you do is rave about Noelle....
[2:47:28 PM] bethqrst says: just had a rough few weeks? I figured I would have heard from you sooner, if it was THAT bad...
[2:47:54 PM] kaiyaqrst says: haha. i rave about noelle, yes. but not the actual school part.
[2:48:06 PM] bethqrst says: well, who does.
[2:48:11 PM] kaiyaqrst says: no, it's not that bad. i just have to write 2 essays for tommorrow
[2:49:49 PM] bethqrst says: well, are you sure you should be here? Ruel will understand, right?
[2:50:49 PM] kaiyaqrst says: oh no! of course i should be here! this is way more important.
[2:50:53 PM] kaiyaqrst says: how've you been?
[2:51:37 PM] bethqrst says: Fine, I guess.
What do you think is taking so long?
[2:53:06 PM] kaiyaqrst says: who knows! i think doctors are paid to be slow. - i'm sure they're getting paid by the hour.
[2:53:56 PM] bethqrst says: or by the year...
[2:54:18 PM] bethqrst says: sorry, I'll shut up
[2:55:47 PM] kaiyaqrst says: so you might as well tell me what's going on with you. and be more specific! none of this "fine, i guess" crap. we do have a year or two before we get called in
[2:56:13 PM] kaiyaqrst says: any good looking guys?
[2:57:11 PM] bethqrst says: ha! Not really, they're all starting to look the same. Is that just something senior boys do??
[2:58:41 PM] kaiyaqrst says: i'm pretty sure it is. that must be what they teach them in grade five when they separate the boys and the girls for sex ed.
[2:59:37 PM] bethqrst says: Must be!! Seriously. Definite lack of cuteness in that department.
[3:00:19 PM] kaiyaqrst says: and the ones who actually are cute are jerks. always. no exceptions.
[3:00:25 PM] kaiyaqrst says: or are taken
[3:00:59 PM] bethqrst says: I'm sure you're dealing with a ton of worthwhile guys at college, though.
[3:02:55 PM] kaiyaqrst says: you'd think so, but no. not yet. they're all the same. (as each other, and as they were before)
[3:02:56 PM] kaiyaqrst says: :(
[3:03:43 PM] bethqrst says: That's unlucky.
[3:04:49 PM] kaiyaqrst says: tell me about it. what are the chances? out of that many guys, none of them are worthwhile
[3:05:11 PM] bethqrst says: At least not yet.

Um, I think my legs are cramping up.
[3:06:12 PM] kaiyaqrst says: mine too. and my feet are cold. you'd think they'd turn the heat up in here.
[3:06:33 PM] bethqrst says: Nope. It's a hospital, so you know, they want to remind you of death as much as possible.
[3:06:55 PM] bethqrst says: Sorry. I try to get all this sort of stuff off my chest before I go in to see Ruel. She doesn't need that.
[3:08:59 PM] kaiyaqrst says: how long have we been sitting here?
[3:09:59 PM] bethqrst says: It's coming up on half an hour, I think. And I was here fifteen minutes before you were.
[3:10:36 PM] kaiyaqrst says: oh god. the wait is just making it worse.
[3:10:50 PM] kaiyaqrst says: wait here comes a nurse... and there she goes.
[3:10:56 PM] kaiyaqrst says: i hate when they do that
[3:11:10 PM] bethqrst says: Me too. They must know what they're doing to us.
[3:11:55 PM] bethqrst says: You know, this is starting to get me kind of anxious. if it's taking this long, it might mean they've, I don't know, detected something.
[3:12:09 PM] bethqrst says: Routine check-ups don't take this long, do they?
[3:13:01 PM] kaiyaqrst says: i didn't think so. oh... don't make me more nervous than i already am
[3:13:13 PM] bethqrst says: Sorry.
[3:13:28 PM] bethqrst says: You know, she didn't know we were coming today. I don't know. I think I should leave.
[3:13:45 PM] kaiyaqrst says: what! no! why?
[3:14:10 PM] bethqrst says: I don't want to be here. I mean, I want to "be here," you know, for Ruel, but if I left and came back tomorrow instead, she'd never know.
[3:14:45 PM] bethqrst says: and we haven't visited her together in so long, two people might be overwhelming. So I'll pass this one off to you.
[3:15:51 PM] kaiyaqrst says: NONONONONONONONO don't! i can't go in alone. the wait would kill me. i can't do it. please don't leave
[3:16:11 PM] kaiyaqrst says: she wan't to see us both!
[3:17:28 PM] bethqrst says: she's seemed fine enough seeing us separate. its been easier than i thought it would be...
[3:17:45 PM] kaiyaqrst says: please!
[3:19:47 PM] bethqrst says: i will be back tomorrow, right after school. if you want to come then, then come -- then we'll both be here by more than coincidence and convenient schedules.
[3:19:53 PM] bethqrst says: good luck with your two stressful essays.
[3:21:00 PM] kaiyaqrst says: but we can't leave! it doesn't matter if SHE knows or not! i can't go tommorrow. i'm seeing my mom.
[3:22:47 PM] bethqrst says: sorry you're so busy. goodbye. call me if you want.

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