Sunday, March 23, 2008

Deal or no deal?

Okay. I just came back from a week in a cabin in the woods. It was divine. I had several plays to work on during that time but this play is the one that got all of my attention. Everything just started coming together for it and I am so excited about it. It's the best one yet. I've had three years of developing some of the characters and story lines and this play has some serious depth. I don't yet have a full first draft, but I'm close.

Now I just need you guys. Cuz it's no fun writing on my own when you're the ones I'm writing for.

Here's the deal. I'm going to start posting the play in sequential order (as I have it now) one scene at a time, but I'm going to wait until I have 5 five comments from different people on each post before I post the next scene. This way I'll have at least 5 people current on the reading and I won't just be posting into the oblivion without anyone caring. Think you can do it?

Let's start now. After five people comment on this post, I'll post the first scene of A Taste of Sunlight in December.



linette said...

Deal! Ready to read and discuss.

daniella said...

yay :)

Unknown said...

absolutely! let's do this.

Anonymous said...

Okay guys....I'm a year behind.
Catch me up :)

elizabeth said...


keltie said...

wow i love the title. made me stare blankly into space deep in thought for a good minute.