Friday, March 28, 2008

scene 2 -- Field of Vision

So this is kind of like the 1 dollar briefcase in Deal or no Deal. It's the shortest scene in the play. But it had to be opened at one point. I'm hoping that this will help the people who still haven't been to the blog have a chance to catch up on Scene One. Five commentators and then I'll post scene 3!

2. Field of Vision

Justin picking dandelions. Counting.

One hundred five. One hundred six. One hundred seven. One hundred eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. One hundred yellow, yellow, yellow. (lost in a vision) What if everything was yellow? No spaces in between. No shadows. No outlines. No beginning, no end. Just yellow. (resumes picking, but his intention has changed – it has become yellow.) Yellow.


Marnie said...

Justin has grown up so much from Rain until now! Somehow I think that Gretchen helped get him there. That whole fishbowl conversation from Rain seemed to be his first instance of actually indulging his most abstract ideas. Now, we open with Justin considering very carefully something the rest of us might ignore.

Unknown said...


elizabeth said...

Well said Marnie!
I also really like how he picks right up where the other scene left off.

daniella said...

cool. Yeah, i agree with you elizabeth, it's really cool how it starts in the same place where the last scene ended.

keltie said...

agree as before. reminds me of coldplay...which reminds me of stars. i really want to know what happened before this scene. its like he's either saying something really deep and meaningful or just goofing off. but thats what i like about it. like he could just be looking at the yellow colour and be like "you know what would be cool? if everything was yellow" or it could be something more deep and beautiful. hmm...interesting.

Joy said...

Nice. Thanks. I think he has grown up a lot. All of us have. :-)

Luke said...

I love it! And I agree Marnie how lovely! I think that this really and intentionally pulls from the video of that brain scientest. Is this all of Justin that we'll see?

Joy said...

you know what's weird? i only saw that video this week, but i wrote this scene and everything about Reul months ago. it's just another of those crazy, amazing sychronicities that seem to happen when the play is flowing out in a true and honest way. i see these things now as confirmation that i'm writing the right things at the right times. the world is in tune.