Friday, April 4, 2008

scene 7 Attendant le Coeur

7. Attendant le Coeur.

NOELLE is in her dorm room, waiting excitedly. She is dressed to go out on a fancy date. She looks like she is trying to be older than she is. She also looks like she is trying to be French (but in a cool way, not in a beret way). She looks at her phone. She looks out the window. She sits. She looks in the mirror. She sits. She looks at her phone. She applies lipstick. She takes it off. She sits. She looks at her phone. She reapplies the lipstick. She sits. She taps her feet. She begins counting. In French.

Un, deux, trios. Quatre, cinq. Six, sept, huit, neuf, dix. (She looks out the window again. She sits). Onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize. Dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt. (She looks at her phone. She looks out the window as she continues counting). Vingt-et-un, vingt-deux, vingt-trois. Vingt-quatre, vingt-cinq, vingt-six, vingt-sept, vingt-huit, vingt-neuf…(she pauses, looks at her phone. It rings!) Trente!!! (She jumps up and down and then takes a breathe and answers) Allo? (a beat) Oh no, it’s Noelle. (beat, she smiles hugely as she listens) No, you’re not calling France, Adrien. (beat) I’ll be right down. (she hangs up and squeals then very dramatically and très French, grabs her heart). Mon coeur! (She grabs her purse and exits with an extra bouncey step to her gait.).


keltie said...

what exactly does being french look like? was there something about france/french things in rain? cause i remember the song we had to sing in stars...the tony danza one...interesting...

oh the joy of waiting for boys...why do girls always find it nessasary to sit around waiting for boys? i don't know, but i sure wish we didn't.

daniella said...

hahaha, "Mon coeur!" she's so cute. totally something any girl would do... in private. great.

Joy said...

yep, there was a mention in Rain. in the sleepover scene, the girls laugh about how french men like their women to smell. the french idea has matured throughout the plays, just like the characters. :-)

Anonymous said...

That scene is so adorable! I especially enjoyed the squel after she hangs up the phone becuase all girls really do that haha.
I really enjoyed that scene

Luke said...

I thought that the end of the scene didn't really sound like the Noelle that we see in the other productions. However I feel that because she is now in college and away from the other characters and in France there is room for a more mature Noelle.

daniella said...

really, you think she sounds more mature? I think she sounds less mature. but i too think it fits because its a new relationship. she didn't act that way with sam because they had been together longer.

daniella said...

and its just funny

Marnie said...

Do we ever see adrian? I know we haven't yet, but the way he's set up and talked about, it would work either way.

keltie said...

i haveto agree with the less long after sam is this relationship? that might explain a few things.