Thursday, October 11, 2007

chat #3 - poet and jessie (2nd time)

marnie and molly spun this out wednesday night as poet and jessie.... supercool!

jessie hey

poet hello there

jessie how've ya been?

poet I have been pretty constant. How about you?

jessie exactly the same as yesterday.
jessie oh, wait, one exception. i now have a cat

poet Oh?
poet Elaborate!

jessie well let's see, she's small. she has a tail.... and a pink nose
jessie she's an orange tabby. and i named her midnight.

poet I love that. but only because it's ironic.
poet How did you fall upon midnight?

jessie actually i found her! she was sitting beside our trash can, so we took her in

poet I wonder if she knew someone would come for her. It's pretty strategic, isn't it? To sit down next to the most pathetic object she could find?

jessie very

poet well done, midnight.

jessie i think she knew. she certainly didn't seem surprised to see me. she's probably been scouting out my house for a week

poet Only cats can get away with stalking and be rewarded with room and board.

jessie no kidding. i wish i could be that cunning.

poet I'm sure you could be, if given the opportunity.

jessie hmmm.... i'll have to practice.

poet I could give you a scenario, if you wanted

jessie go for it

poet Let's say you had to find a really crafty way to......see me without a webcam.
poet How do you see someone halfway across the world?

jessie ooh okay, i would first off i would search your name on google. and then upon realising that there are waaay too manymeagans, i would fly halfway across the world and knock on everyones door and ask if meagan lives there, and if so, if that meagan is a poet

poet Now THAT'S determination.
poet you don't need any practice, apparently!

jessie unfortunatly it would take me multiple years to complete, and even then i might not find you

poet yeah, and by then you might not even be interested in our little chats anymore.

jessie naw, i can't see that ever happening

poet me either.

jessie (emotocon here?)

poet Well put. I can't bring myself to use them though...

jessie why's that?

poet I don't like bossing them around. Like, "EXPRESS ME NOW!"
poet Because it's something I can easily do myself.

jessie that's awesome.
jessie you can easily express yourself now?

poet much as I need to.

jessie but not as much as you could

poet perhaps, perhaps.
poet I like to stay ambiguous.

jessie i heard somewhere that in the "natural law" theory, lying is wrong because it is abusing the faculty of speech, because your voice was created for you by god so that you can communicate the truth, and say what's on you mind
jessie not that you're lying, it just came to mind

poet It's interesting enough. I guess it's true. But if it WAS true, that means imagination is wrong, too.
poet because children pretending they're elephants, and me pretending I have a dog, it's all necessary distraction from the world.

jessie this is true. mind you, your imagination is, at the time, what you believe. it's what's on your mind, and what you believe to be true. therefore, by expressing it, it is what you believe to be true and is therefore not a lie
jessie and they think that's okay

poet well, then I think I could buy it.
poet I think.

jessie i'm still not sure. alot of their other beliefs just don't make any sense

poet really? I'm sure it makes sense to them.
poet or else they'd be abusing language, or what have you.

jessie and it's what a great deal of the catholic church is based on
jessie oh, of course it makes sense to them! doesn't mean it's what's right
jessie the whole theory is about letting nature do what it will, and if you interfere with that in any way it's a sin. no exceptions

poet Well, then I think we're the sinners here. It's not like nature would ever have handed us the internet, would it?

jessie but maybe it was natural that humans were to invent it

poet Hm. What about clones?

jessie good question. but then the whole "playing god" thing comes into play

poet true. It's best to avoid that entirely, isn't it?
poet let's talk more about midnight,

jessie that it is. mind you, if it's never discussed, then how does anyone know what to believe?

poet our guy, of course. Our conscience. Our Jiminy Cricket.

jessie but some might say that your conscience is based on influences from your culture.
not that that's what i think, just saying.

poet some might say that. but those are people who write the books I'll never read.

jessie so true. i feel the same

poet Those books just aren't.....

jessie no they aren't. you should write one! that's understandable

poet Let's write something together.

jessie okay!
what about?

poet No idea. any particular inspiration?

jessie uhh... zombies?

poet Your heart doesn't seem to be in the zombie idea. (Unless you really want to...)

jessie haha, no. it's just the first thing that came to mind
jessie that's really wierd
jessie i creep myself out

poet no worries, I love zombies!
poet but they've been done.

jessie yay! me too.

poet we were born to be more original than that, I think, you and me.

jessie have you seen any good zombie movies?
jessie more original thatn zomibes?

poet funny you should ask. I have quite an affinity for zombie film.

jessie *than
jessie *zombies
jessie which ones????

poet Evil Dead, twenty eight Days Later, Dawn of the's all excellent undeath.
poet you?

jessie ah yes. soo good. i just watched shock waves the other day. nazi zombies. and all the ones you mentioned, plus night of the living dead, zombie, land of the dead, shawn of the dead

poet that's quite a repetoire. I wish we could watch them together.

jessie me too. i'll just have to watch them and pretend that you and your dog are there

poet oh right, I forgot about my faux pet. I have given him a name, by the way.

jessie oh?

poet yes. Percival.

jessie very nice. what was the inspiration for that?

poet Well, I was thinking that if I had a dog, I would want him to be one of those dogs that lives through everything, thick and thin, worms and all...
poet he would perservere.
poet Percival.

jessie clever. much better than midnight.

poet Oh, I don't think that's true. Midnight brings up some fond memories.

jessie of...

poet all my good nights. And bad ones, but those aren't the fond memories, of course. Do the best parts of your day happen at night? I think that's the case for me.

jessie i know exactly what you mean. i love the nighttime. one of my favourite things to do is sit outside and stare at the night sky. and listen to george harrisons song "here comes the moon"

poet sounds pretty groovy.

jessie it is. it really mellows you out

poet perhaps I shall do it in your honor sometime.

jessie i highly recommend it.

poet good to know.

jessie what are your best night memories?

poet Well, right before we moved here, I spent a lot of nights packing. And of course that was sad. But it forced me to look over every piece of my life I've ever kept.
poet and every piece you keep, you keep for a reason.

jessie seriously, write a book

poet that's exactly it -- we need to do it together!

jessie i don't think you need me.
jessie i'm gonna have to write that down

poet of course I need you.

jessie pff. i'll add nothing. i'm no poet, poet

poet not true. you've just never referred to yourself as one. but I know it's in you!
poet A collaboration -- that's what we need.

jessie i'll do my best. maybe i'll get some inspiration tonight as i sleep. speaking of which...
i'm exhausted

poet fair enough. but you get those ideas stirring, will you?

jessie oh i will. don't worry. night!

poet Good. Ta!

jessie -------------------------------------------------------------

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